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The body is the brains first teacherJill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy

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Come and learn how dance, music, and play can nurture early neural development, while strengthening the caregiver-baby bond! Each week will introduce a new development topic to help you understand how to support your baby's growth. Dance and music concepts will be introduced through circle dances, free exploration, songs and rhymes, and sensory activities that help foster your baby's cognitive, emotional, and physical health. Caregivers will delight in watching their little ones grow and learn while making friends and socialising with others.

Intellidance® Babies

from 3 months to 11 months

Moving to Learn

Classes are not only fun and engaging they include a mixture of activities that ensure the development of...

  • Core muscles essential for rolling, crawling and walking 
  • visual skills through tracking and focusing activities
  • movement patterns to ensure healthy development of the body and mind
  • early communication and language skills through rhymes and songs
  • secure attachments and strengthen bond with grown-up.
  • controlling different parts of the body, finding out where they are and what they do. 
  • social skills
  • rhythmic awareness & the beginnings of anticipation of changes in music.


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Come and learn how dance, music, and play can nurture early neural development, while strengthening the caregiver-baby bond! Each week will introduce a new development topic to help you understand how to support your baby's growth. Dance and music concepts will be introduced through circle dances, free exploration, songs and rhymes, and sensory activities that help foster your baby's cognitive, emotional, and physical health. Caregivers will delight in watching their little ones grow and learn while making friends and socialising with others.
Creeping, crawling, walking, bouncing! Your little one is now moving and exploring the world like never before. With busy little ones in mind Intellidance® Tykes will continue to focus on nurturing gross motor, emotional and social development, through movement concepts, circle dances, free exploration, songs and rhymes, and sensory activities. Caregivers will delight in watching their little ones curiosity and joy making friends and socialising with others.
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Intellidance® Tots offers a lively environment for independent movers and their caregivers, to experience the joy of dance and movement together. Kids love to figure things out, and this class will provide opportunities to problem solve together. Discover and explore movement concepts, while gaining balance, flexibility, and co-ordination. Animated story telling, songs and rhymes, instruments, props, and simple choreography will add fun and excitement!
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A relaxed and nurturing introduction to dance and music concepts for little independent dancers. Learn how to communicate thoughts and feelings about movement. Through a Multi-Sensory approach, that uses nursery rhymes, inspiring music, instruments, stories, games and props growing dancers will develop control of their body, strengthen muscles and improve balance.  
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